JULY 2024



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    Please pray for

    NEW in JULY

    Please Pray for friends with various health issues

    Bob Gogolin

    Julie Milner

    Bert Raenhorst and Dian Radke


    Please pray for Hayden Loy

    as he prepares to be baptized by Pastor Cahill on August 4

    at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church in Pleasant City OH



    Don Kidwell (friend of Joe Ryncarz)

    Norm Schaffer (friend of Olahs)

    Nancy Boberek (friend of Sandi Hlad)

    Recuperating from surgery: Dennis Ryncarz


    Anne Larue's niece Danielle

    From Betty Olah: for nephew Mark Tegland

    and sister-in-law Sheila Sheetz

    For the nephew of Donna Young

    For Doug Hinkle (nephew of Pam and Tom Reece)


    Christ the King Confirmation Class 2023-2024

    Sadie Jagusch

    Everett Ryncarz

    Camdyn Rieker

    Caylee Todd


    Friends with various health issues

    Dick Brooks

    Heidi Gross

    Thom McGlashan

    LInda Moore (friend of Margie Feldy) - cancer treatments


    • Miranda (Barnard) Cunningham and daughters Kaylee, Bella, and Alexis
    • From the Brooks family - Donna's sister Dee Smith; Tawney Brooks' mother Shirley Sherry
    • From Frank Geric - brother Mike (cancer)
    • From Heidi Gross: Rob Zwingleberg (cousin) - broken hip
    • From Sandi Hlad - Daughter-in-law Annette Hlad, cousin Tom Hyett, Sherri Sada (cancer), Wendy Brown (whose parents Cheryl and Charles Jones both have cancer), Ralph and Paulette Walker,
    • From Betty Olah - Patrick Olah, Shiela Sheetz, Mark Tegland, Kathy Duncan (friend), Dan Anderson, Betty Olah's sister Kay, brother-in-law Mark Crawford, and cousin Nancy Spencer
    • From Tom Reece - sister Patti Willett (cancer)
    • From Jessica Ryncarz: for her sister Joy Lenarth
    • From Joanne Segedi - Stacy McFarland (cancer); brother Duke Dukeman; friend Dian Radke
    • From Mary Winkelbauer - Stephanie Minnick (stroke)

    Please pray for these pastors and their families -

    • Rev. Brian Roberts, St. Luke's in Oviedo, FL is continuing to gain weight and has more energy. We give thanks to God that he is gaining weight and growing stronger.
    • Rev. and Mrs. Panzigrau, John Huss in Arnold, PA
    • Rev. Tom Soltis, Parma, OH
    • Rev. and Mrs. Kenneth Ballas, Parma, OH
    • Rev. and Mrs. Edgar Anthony, Lorain, OH.


    Also from the SELC District - Please pray for these SELC students as they prepare to serve the Lord in various ministries:

    • Rachael McCloskey (Resurrection, Malvern, Ohio) - Deaconess Student, Concordia Seminary / St Louis
    • Kenneth Estes (Faith, Viera, Florida) - Pastoral Ministry Student, Concordia Seminary / St Louis
    • Christina Shaffer (St. Luke’s, Oviedo, Florida) - Deaconess Student, Concordia Seminary / St Louis
    • Tyler Decker (Hope, Melbourne (Viera), Florida) - Pastoral Ministry Student - Concordia Theological Seminary / Fort Wayne


    Health Care workers, First Responders and Public Safety workers of all sorts

    Families in days of anxiety:
    Families, teachers, children, and school staff
    People living in increased fear and frustration because of racial inequality and injustice
    Grownups who are out of work, even temporarily
    Children, and people with special needs, who are bewildered and grieving over disrupted routines
    Pregnant women, anxious about their upcoming labor and delivery


    Please pray for the innocent in Gaza, Israel, and Ukraine


    Children suffering from complications of Coronavirus

    Government leaders

    Pastors and Churches


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    The SELC District

    of The Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod

    Click the logo for a link

    Please Pray for




    President: Rev. Waldemar "Wally" Vinovskis, Concordia, Macungie PA

    1st Vice President: Rev. Wally Arp, St. Luke, Oviedo FL

    2nd Vice President: Rev. Chris Cahill, Christ the King, Lodi OH

    3rd Vice President: Rev. Rick Ramirez, Dr Martin Luther, Chicago IL

    Secretary: Rev. John Telloni, St. John, Massillon OH

    Treasurer: Mr. Robert Lange, Zion, Norridge IL

    Financial Secretary: Mr. Larry Schultz, Concordia, Macungie PA

    Pastoral Rep: Rev. Ron Myer, Faith, Viera FL

    Pastoral Rep-Mission Focus: Rev. Tige Culbertson, St Luke's, Oviedo FL

    Lay Representative – Grace Killian - St. Athanasius, Vienna, VA

    Lay Representative – Mission Focus – Deborah St-Onge -Ascension, Montreal, Canada



    Circuit Pastoral Representatives

    Rev. Daniel Berteau, Redeemer, Manchester NJ—Eastern Circuit

    Rev. Jon Carpenter, St John, Massillon OH —Central Circuit

    Rev. John Gutz, Streator IL —Western Circuit

    Rev. Wally Arp, St. Luke, Oviedo FL -- Southern Circuit


    District Layperson Representative

    Mrs. Ardyne Kirn, Resurrection, Crown Point IN



    Eastern—Rev. James Douthwaite, St. Athanasius, Vienna VA

    Central—Rev. George Hansell, Emeritus, Grace, Lakewood OH

    Western—Rev. Carl Krueger, Emeritus, St. John's, Cudahy WI

    Southern—Rev. James Fernandez, Family of Christ, Tampa FL

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    The Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod

    Click the logo for a link

    Please pray for . . . 


    Follow this link to the prayer calendar on the Missouri Synod's website



     Numbers in parentheses indicate prayers indexed in the Lutheran Service Builder software of Concordia Publishing House.  Used by permission.

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    For those serving in law enforcement

    Lord God of hosts,


    Stretch forth Your almighty arm to strengthen and protect those who serve in all branches of law enforcement in our country. Support them in times of danger, and in times of peace keep them from all evil, giving them courage and loyalty. Grant that in all things they may serve with integrity and with honor; through Jesus Christ, our Lord.  (233)


    For those struggling with addictions, including tobacco

    Gracious God,


    You are the strength of all who put their trust in You. We pray for everyone who is enslaved by any kind of addiction. Deliver them from all that would hold them captive that by Your grace they may walk in the newness of life; through Jesus Christ, Your Son, our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.


    For victims of Human Trafficking

    Almighty God,


    You sent Your Son Jesus to free us from slavery to sin, death, and Satan; and yet in our world there are many people who keep others in slavery to their own evil desires.  We pray that through Your holy people You would break these chains of slavery as well, so that the freedom You have won for all of us on the cross may have its image in freedom from human bondage throughout the world;  through Jesus Christ our Lord.


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    For the Church

    For the Church

    Almighty God,


    we give You thanks for the gift of Your Church, purchased by the blood of Jesus. We praise You for joining us to the body of Christ through Baptism and granting us a new life of faith in Him. You have turned us from idols to serve You, the living and true God. Grant us grace to wait for Jesus’ return amidst the scoffing and unbelief of the world, and through Him deliver us from the wrath that is to come.  Lord, in Your mercy, hear our prayer.


    For those outside the Church

    Almighty and everlasting God.


    You desire not the death of a sinner but that all would repent and live. Hear our prayers for those outside the Church. Take away their iniquity, and turn them from their false gods to You, the living and true God. Gather them into Your holy Church to the glory of Your name; through Jesus Christ, our Lord. (106)


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    For Our Country

    For Good government

    Eternal Lord, ruler of all,


    graciously regard those who have been set in positions of authority among us that, guided by Your Spirit, they may be high in purpose, wise in counsel, firm in good resolution, and unwavering in duty, that under them we may be governed quietly and peaceably; through Jesus Christ, our Lord. (223)


    For the armed forces of our nation

    Lord God of hosts,


    stretch forth Your almighty arm to strengthen and protect those who serve in the armed forces of our country. Support them in times of war, and in times of peace keep them from all evil, giving them courage and loyalty. Grant that in all things they may serve with integrity and with honor; through Jesus Christ, our Lord.  (233)


    For those who minister to the armed forces

    O Lord, almighty God,


    as You have always granted special gifts of the Holy Spirit to Your Church on earth, grant Your continual blessing to all who minister in Your name in the armed forces, that by Your gracious working they may honor Christ and advance the good of those committed to their care; through Jesus Christ, our Lord.  (126)


    For our enemies

    Almighty, everlasting God,


    through Your only Son, our blessed Lord, You commanded us to love our enemies, to do good to those who hate us, and to pray for those who persecute us. Therefore, we earnestly implore You that by Your gracious working our enemies may be led to true repentance, may have the same love toward us as we have toward them, and may be of one accord and of one mind and heart with us and with Your whole Church; through Jesus Christ, our Lord.  (110)


    For peace in the world

    Heavenly Father, God of all concord,


    it is Your gracious will that Your children on earth live together in harmony and peace. Defeat the plans of all those who would stir up violence and strife, destroy the weapons of those who delight in war and bloodshed, and, according to Your will, end all conflicts in the world. Teach us to examine our hearts that we may recognize our own inclination toward envy, malice, hatred, and enmity. Help us, by Your Word and Spirit, to search our hearts and to root out the evil that would lead to strife and discord, so that in our lives we may be at peace with all people. Fill us with zeal for the work of Your Church and the proclamation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, which alone can bring that peace which is beyond all understanding; through Jesus Christ, our Lord.  (229)


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    In Times of Anxiety and Fear

    Anxiety, apprehension, fear

    O most loving Father,


    You want us to give thanks for all things, to fear nothing except losing You, and to lay all our cares on You, knowing that You care for us. Strengthen our faith in You. Grant that the fears and anxieties of this mortal life may not separate us from Your love shown to us in Jesus Christ, Your Son, our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.  (787)


    Time of disaster

    Almighty God, merciful Father,


    Your thoughts are not our thoughts, Your ways are not our ways. In times of disaster, we implore You, let not the hearts of Your people despair nor our faith fail us, but sustain and comfort us. Direct all efforts to attend the injured, console the bereaved, and protect the helpless. Bring hope and healing that we may find relief and restoration; through Jesus Christ, our Lord.  (292)


    During an epidemic

    Almighty God, Heavenly Father,


    give us grace to trust You during this time of illness and distress. In mercy put an end to the epidemic that afflicts us. Grant relief to those who suffer, and comfort those who mourn. Sustain all medical personnel in their labors, and cause Your people ever to serve You in righteousness and holiness; through Jesus Christ, our Lord.  (291)


    For the sick

    Heavenly Father, ruler of all things,


    Your Son, our Savior Jesus Christ, healed all manner of infirmities and cured all manner of diseases. Mercifully help Your servant [name] in body and soul and, if it be Your will, free [him/her] from [his/her] sickness that, restored to health, [he/she] may with a thankful heart bless Your holy name; through Jesus Christ, our Lord.  (257)


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    For those who care for others

    Most merciful Father,


    You have committed to our love and care our fellow human beings and their necessities. Graciously be with and prosper all those who serve the sick and those in need. Let their service be abundantly blessed as they bring relief to the suffering, comfort to the sorrowing, and peace to the dying. Grant them the knowledge that inasmuch as they do it unto the least of the Master's brethren, they do it unto Him; through the same Jesus Christ, our Lord.  (215)


    For those who are lonely

    Almighty God, merciful Father,


    by Word and Sacrament You have created Your Church in this world to be a godly communion and a caring family. Grant Your blessing to those who dwell in loneliness, especially the loneliness that is brought about by domestic violence and abuse, that they may find a place of healthful solace and pleasant fellowship among people faithful to You; through Jesus Christ, our Lord.  (282)


    In times of affliction and distress

    Almighty God, merciful Father,


    the consolation of the sorrowful and the strength of the weak, may the prayers of those who in any tribulation or distress cry to You graciously come before You, so that in every situation they may recognize and receive Your gracious help, comfort, and peace; through Jesus Christ, our Lord.  (280)